The Power of the Curve

We are inspired by nature and the power of the curve. A curve is always beautiful. Curves derive their inspiration from the beauty of nature and the efficiency in nature.

What nature can teach us about standing steady.

Folding a Greener Future.

Our technology can be used to create sustainable and eco-friendly designs that contribute to a greener future. By adopting these principles and techniques, we can reduce waste, conserve resources, and create products and designs that are both functional and beautiful.

The design freedom enabled by the STILFOLD technology offers a unique possibility to optimise material usage. High strength steel can be formed in complex shapes generating exceptional stiffness.

- Henrik Sieurin, Steel expert engineer and PHD from KTH

Advantages in terms of cost savings, material efficiency, customization, rapid prototyping, sustainability, aesthetics, and scalability.

STILFOLD unlocks a number of green transition opportunities within steel production and that’s exactly what the industry is searching for.

— Christian Engene, Sustainability design expert and Cradlenet board member

“STILFOLD minimizes resources and waste, reduces labor costs and ultimately has a lower environmental impact.”

— Forbes

A unique manufacturing process that could revolutionise the way electric vehicles (EVs) are made.”

— Autofutures

“To reduce the product’s carbon footprint, STILFOLD is aiming to create a production process which allows the steel sheets to be flat-packed and shipped to local factories.”

— The Engineer