Health Robotics' i.v.STATION Ratifies Quick Return on Investment (R.O.I.) at Premier Member Candler Hospital
i.v.STATION is like having additional staff in the sterile compounding area, and has produced immediate cost savings for Candler.
BOZEN, Sud-Tirol, Italy, August 16, 2012 -- Health Robotics today announced that another member of the Premier healthcare alliance, Candler Hospital in Savannah, Georgia, is also benefiting from quality improvements and cost savings gleaned from its recent installation and "Go-Live" of the i.v.STATION Robot. Founded in 1804, not-for-profit Candler Hospital [a member of the St. Joseph's/Candler Health System] is Georgia's first hospital and second-longest continuously operating hospital in the United States of America.
In the first quarter of 2012, Health Robotics was awarded a 3-year exclusive (sole-source) group purchasing agreement by Premier, a provider-owned healthcare alliance of 2,600 hospitals and 86,000 other sites. The agreement makes Health Robotics' i.v.STATION and i.v.STATION ONCO available to Premier members at specially negotiated pricing and terms. Candler Hospital is presently leading the American hospital pharmacy industry by engaging Health Robotics' assistance to improve quality, reduce labor and medication expenses, and increase Sterile Compounding throughput with less staff, through the installation of i.v.STATION.
Jason Graham, Clinical Pharmacist at CandlerHospital and team leader for i.v.STATION stated: "Candler Hospital has long sought after ways in which to improve quality, decrease labor expenses, reduce medications costs, and increase Sterile Compounding throughput. The installation and "Go-live" of the i.v.STATION Robot in April 2012 helped us achieve these goals. i.v.STATION is like having additional staff in the sterile compounding area, and has produced immediate cost savings for Candler. We have initially focused on replacing outsourced and pre-mixed products that we used to purchase from other companies. Where we used to pay $6 for one dose of Cefazolin 2g in 100ml NS, now we make it on i.v.STATION for $2.32 per dose, cumulatively producing huge cost savings for Candler Hospital."
Gaspar DeViedma, Health Robotics' Executive V.P. and Board Member, stated: "i.v.STATION is quickly installed without disrupting existing Sterile Compounding operations, without requiring additional space in the Pharmacy, and without costly construction expenses. In addition to i.v.STATION's prior documented success at Academic, Pediatric, and Outsourced Compounding Centers, i.v.STATION's unique Second-Generation-Architecture advantages of low cost, faster speed, quick R.O.I., small size, and redundancy, continue to show evidence of its unique adaptability to all types of Health-System Pharmacies, including Community Hospitals."
Graham continued: "We have been more than pleased with the technical service we have received from Health Robotics. Their staff has been accessible to meet our needs from day one of the implementation process. Currently, the highest volume products manufactured by i.v.STATION are: Cefazolin, Vancomycin, Lactated Ringers with Oxytocin, Penicillin G Potassium, and Pipercillin/Tazobactam in Baxter Viaflex bags ranging from 100ml to 1 liter in size. Presently, i.v.STATION compounds Batch IVs that are used in almost every department at Candler, from Day Surgery to Labor and Delivery to our regular medical floors. We also utilize i.v.STATION to make patient-specific doses when applicable. Not only does i.v.STATION save us money in drug costs, but it also reduces labor expenses by freeing our pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to work on other tasks."
About the Premier healthcare alliance, Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award recipient
Premier is a performance improvement alliance of more than 2,600 U.S. hospitals and 86,000-plus other sites using the power of collaboration and technology to lead the transformation to coordinated, high-quality, cost-effective care. Owned by hospitals, health systems and other providers, Premier operates a leading healthcare purchasing network with more than $4 billion in annual savings. Premier also maintains the nation's largest clinical, financial and outcomes database with information on 1 in 4 patient discharges. A world leader in delivering measurable improvements in care, Premier works with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Headquartered in Charlotte, N.C., Premier also has an office in Washington. . Stay connected on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
About Health Robotics:
Founded in 2006, Health Robotics is the undisputed global leading supplier of life- critical intravenous medication robots, winning 100% of all worldwide I.V. Robot's publicly announced purchases in 2010 and 2011, and providing over 300 hospital installations in 5 continents with robotics-based technology and clinical software automation solutions. Health Robotics' world-leading solutions CytoCare® and i.v.STATION® ONCO [hazardous IVs], i.v.STATION® [non-hazardous IVs], i.v.SOFT® [workflow engine for sterile compounding], OMM® [Oncology Medication Management], MEDarchiver® [life-critical clinical information system], and TPNstation® [totally-automated parenteral nutrition] have and will greatly contribute to ease hospitals' growing pressures to improve patient safety, increase throughput and contain costs. Through the effective and efficient production of sterile, accurate, tamper-evident and ready-to-administer IVs, Health Robotics' products help hospitals eliminate life-threatening drug and diluent exchange errors, decrease other medical mistakes and sterility risks, work more efficiently, reduce waste and controlled substances' diversion, and diminish the gap between rising patient volume/acuity and scarce medical, nursing, and pharmacy staff. For more information, please visit:
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