Channel relationships and commitments to customers get laser focus from ABB at WEFTEC

Awareness exploding across the industry, note managers

NEW BERLIN, WI, October, 2014 . . . At this years WEFTC Exhibit in New Orleans, relationships with channel partners dedicated to water and wastewater end users, and helping these customers with energy efficient automation solutions received laser focus from ABB.

"We planned for more than six months, focusing on every detail, as we want this industry to know the level of commitment and dedication the company has on helping end users with their challenges related to collecting, treating and distributing water and wastewater," said HJ Dewes, Water & Wastewater Segment Manager, Drives.

Multiple business units within the Discrete Automation and Motion, Low Voltage Products, and Process Automation divisions were on hand at the large exhibit to greet and familiarize new and existing customers with the host of automation components and control that ABB offers end users. "Its more than just drives or motors or controls," noted Dewes; "its these components working in concert that make a compelling solution for professionals across this industry.

Included in the nearly week-long event was a hospitality event at New Orleans own Pat O-Briens, which attracted more than 800 industry personnel. "The event helped connect a lot of people in an informal environment," noted Dewes, "and we had a number of customers approach us and discuss partnership going forward. This event was a watershed, in marking industry awareness of ABBs determination to help customers in this segment succeed and grow. It is an exciting time for them, and for us, as we grow alongside them."

Many of the ABB/Baldor District Management offices and managers were on hand, as well, to participate in the weeks event. Theres a powerful sense of anticipation and excitement, according to Dewes. "ABB excels in industry segments like HVAC, and we are able to leverage much of what we have learned in growing that segment into this water market," he noted. "We are several years into this, now, and awareness of ABBs commitment is exploding."

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