Crowd Funding Projects include - CONTROLLINO PLC: First open programmable Open-Source PLC (Arduino-Compatible) / Scrobby Solar: Keeping your solar panels clean! / IR-LOCK: infrared target tracking for Drones & DIY Robotics

3 Robotics Related Kickstarters And Crazyflie 2

L Hetherington for | RoboticsTomorrow


CONTROLLINO PLC: First open programmable Open-Source PLC (Arduino-Compatible)

CONTROLLINO is a open programmable Open Source PLC in 3 different sizes. Perfect for your next Industrial Application, Home Automation, Educational - Project to control your Internet of Things.

CONTROLLINO Mini ($159.00):


CONTROLLINO Maxi ($209):

CONTROLLINO Mega ($345):

Kickstarter ends Nov 7 2014 (link)



Scrobby Solar: Keeping your solar panels clean!

The Scrobby Solar is:

  • A robot to keep solar panels clean. You install it once and never look back. Unless you like to see it in action, of course!
  • Eco-friendly, using only natural rain water and a specially designed brush to gently scrub your panels clean.
  • Self-sufficient. Once installed it doesn't require any external power or water supply. Nature takes care of both power and water.
  • Easy. After installation it's just a matter of sitting back, relaxing and enjoying the show. The Scrobby Solar is yours and stays attached to your installation for its entire lifespan.
  • Safe. The best way to avoid unsafe situations on your roof is to make sure there is no reason to be there in the first place.
  • Affordable, enough so to earn its purchase price back during its lifetime.

Kickstarter (link)


IR-LOCK: infrared target tracking for Drones & DIY Robotics

Simple and accurate target tracking hardware for Drones & DIY Robotics. Works in bright sunlight and even complete darkness.

Kickstarter ends Oct 12 2014 (link)


Crazyflie 2.0: The tiny modular quadcopter

The Crazyflie 2.0 is a versatile flying development platform that only weights 27g and fits in the palm of your hand. It's advanced functionalities makes it ideal for developers and the Bluetooth LE capabilities makes it easy to fly from mobile devices. With it's small size and weight it's ideal for indoor use, but you can just as easily hover above your house as you can hover under your diningroom table. Designed as a solderless kit, the Crazyflie 2.0 is quickly assembled by attaching the motors to the circuitboard frame and it's ready to fly.

The Crazyflie 2.0 is an open project, with source code and hardware design available and documented. The platform is designed with development in mind, implementing features to make development easier and faster, such as logging and real-time parameter setting and wireless firmware update. The complete development environment for most of the projects is available in the virtual machine, so you don't need to install any toolchains to get into the development. But the virtual machine can just as well be used for flying. Aside from the firmware and software projects, there is also a number of community supported APIs written in Java, Ruby, C/C++, C# and Javascript.

Pre-order available now for target shipping in middle of December 2014 ($150 pre-order)


The content & opinions in this article are the author’s and do not necessarily represent the views of RoboticsTomorrow

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