New Integrated StepSERVO™ Motors from Applied Motion Products
Integrated Step Motors fuse step motor plus drive and control components into a single device. Integrated steppers offer a space-saving design that reduces wiring and saves on cost over separate motor and drive components.
Ideally suited for applications such as packaging and labeling, automated test and measurement, automated assembly and life sciences, StepSERVO™ motorsfrom Applied Motion Products provide the next evolution integrated step motor technology. Starting with a proven integrated motor design, we add a high-resolution incremental encoder and closed-loop servo firmware to create a motor that offers the best step motor performance available today. StepSERVO™ motors offer the same high-torque-at-low-speed and excellent holding torque characteristics of open loop stepping motors with the advantages of true closed-loop control. These advantages include the ability to create peak torques from the motor up to 50% higher than the normal torque range of the same step motor running open loop. Closed-loop also means the motor only draws current when it needs it, so step motors now run cooler than ever before. StepSERVO™ motors feature:
• NEMA frame size 17, 23 and 24. StepSERVO motors utilize 5000 line incremental encoders (20,000 counts/rev)
• NEMA frame size 11. StepSERVO motors utilize 1024 line incremental encoders (4,096 counts/rev)
• Closed-loop servo control using high torque step motors
• High acceleration for faster machine cycles and greater productivity
• Energy efficient, cool running
• All-in-one compact solution
• IP65 versions for wet and dusty environments
• Stand-alone operation (stored Q programming)
• EtherNet/IP industrial networking option
• CANopen fieldbus option
• Modbus RTU option for easy PLC/HMI connection
There are three types of StepSERVO™ to choose from:
SSM integrated steppers feature:
• NEMA 23 frame size motors
• Ethernet (RJ-45) port for programming
• EtherNet/IP industrial networking standard
• Three motor lengths (stack lengths) available to provide the highest amount of torque in the shortest motor possible
TSM integrated steppers feature:
• NEMA 11 (New!), NEMA 17 and NEMA 23 frame size motors
• RS-232 or RS-485 port for programming and streaming commands
• Control options including CANopen fieldbus control, digital step & direction control, analog velocity mode, streaming commands and stand-alone operation using stored Q programs.
• Three motor lengths available in each frame size to provide the highest amount of torque for each length
TXM integrated steppers feature:
• IP65 rated for wet and dusty environments
• NEMA 24 frame size motors
• RS-232, RS-485 or Ethernet port (M12) for programming, streaming commands and fieldbus/networking
• Control options include CANopen fieldbus control, EtherNet/IP industrial networking, digital step & direction control, analog velocity mode, streaming commands and stand-alone operation using stored Q programs.
• Two motor lengths available to provide both a lower torque and a higher torque option depending on application requirements
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