Y Combinator Hardware Hackathon

From Upverter:

Y Combinator has seen a huge increase in the number of hardware startups they fund. And so in an effort to encourage the renaissance and throw some gas on the fire, we are hosting a hardware hackathon. The focus is on getting like-minded hardware hackers into the same space, sharing ideas, designing hardware and ultimately creating more hardware startups.

Want a taste of what goes on in a hardware hackathon? Read about Upverter's first ever hackathon in August 2012: Day 1,Day 2 and the wrap up. We also held a hardware hackathon at the Open Compute Summit just this past month.

If you’re hardware savvy and interested in starting a hardware startup, you should apply to come and hack with us!

Want to start a startup? Get funded by Y Combinator.

February 23rd, 2013, 10AM - 10PM

Y Combinator
320 Pioneer Way
Mountain View, CA 94041

You can apply here.

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