BugJuggler: Project to build 70ft tall robot that juggles cars

Project Overview:

BugJuggler will use a diesel engine to generate hydraulic pressure. An operator located in the robot’s head will be able to control its motions using a haptic feedback interface connected to high-speed servo valves. Hydraulic accumulators - essentially storage batteries for hydraulic fluid - will allow for the rapid movement required for the robot to juggle cars or other large, heavy objects. 

The first stage of the BugJuggler project will be construction of a working 8ft tall single arm proof-of-principle juggler able to toss and catch a 250lb mass... (cont'd)

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Bota Systems - The SensONE 6-axis force torque sensor for robots

Bota Systems - The SensONE 6-axis force torque sensor for robots

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