Have Robotics Stocks Gotten Too Hot?

Michael Kahn for Barron's:  Everyone seems to be talking about robotics. The sector has soared, with many publicly traded stocks doubling or even tripling in price in little more than a year.

That doesn’t mean investors who’ve sat on the sidelines till now are too late to the party. With proper risk controls, the stocks can be part of a solid portfolio.

You essentially have two choices. One is to nibble some now and nibble more later, either on new breakouts or on pullbacks. The other is to find stocks in true need of technical pullbacks and keeping them on the radar screen for when they do dip lower.

Robots have been with us for many years on production lines in factories, and now they are making strides in medicine and transportation. While personal R2-D2s and Optimus Primes are still far from upon us, robots now move stock around warehouses, deliver pizzas, and mix drinks at your local watering hole.  Full Article:

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