Booth #7536 - We are highlighting our recently released Compliant Deburring Blade as well as our low-cost, high-performance Axia80 Force/Torque Sensor.

Talking Automate 2019 with ATI Industrial Automation

Contributed by | ATI Industrial Automation

Tell us about your company. 

ATI Industrial Automation is a world-leading developer of robotic accessories and end-of-arm-tooling. Our expertly-engineered, productivity-enhancing devices enable multi-tasking, collision detection, force sensing feedback, robotic material removal, compliance, and more in robotic and automated processes. Since 1989, our engineers have worked to develop products that improve manufacturing performance in thousands of ground-breaking applications around the world. Simply put, ATI’s end effectors allow customers to accomplish more with automation. Our Mission is to provide customers with high-quality robotic peripheral devices, tooling, and sensors that increase effectiveness, flexibility, safety, as well as productivity. We accomplish this through continuous improvement of existing products, new product innovation, and custom-engineered solutions. More information on ATI’s products is available at 

Your company will be exhibiting at AUTOMATE, what is it that makes this an important event for your company?

AUTOMATE is ATI’s most highly-anticipated tradeshow of 2019. This event draws a crowd of automation experts from a variety of different areas. It’s a chance to meet new potential clients, but it is also an opportunity to check out new technology, check in with existing customers, and most importantly, stay connected to the challenges that face our industry.

What makes your booth a must visit for AUTOMATE Attendees?

So many new demonstrations will make the ATI booth a hot destination this year. We are highlighting our recently released Compliant Deburring Blade as well as our low-cost, high-performance Axia80 Force/Torque Sensor.
Show attendees visiting our booth will also get up close and personal with ATI’s flagship Robotic Tool Changers and Tool Stands, Utility Modules, Robotic Collision Sensors and Deburring Tools, Utility Couplers, Force/Torque Sensors, and more. 

AUTOMATE has many educational sessions, forums & Demo’s, is your company involved in any of them this year?

Yes, ATI’s Material Removal Product Manager, Dan Merritt will be leading a discussion on the advantages of using robots for material removal tasks on Tuesday, 4/9  8am-9am, so mark your calendar! 

When you get a chance to walk the exhibit hall floor yourself, what is it you will be most interested to see?  Any educational sessions, pavilions etc. you plan on attending? 

I look forward to seeing Reshma Saujani’s keynote presentation and checking out the small group discussions in the “Automation Solutions and Innovations” Track.  AUTOMATE Launchpad Competition has been fun to follow, and I am excited to see which finalist will take home first prize. ATI is sponsoring a networking event on Monday 4/8 after the show as well. We hope you will join us for refreshments and a chance to catch-up with some of our industry peers. 

The factory floor is undertaking rapid advancements, be it automation, robotics, machine vision or data.  Automation Technology is a huge part for many manufacturers, give us an idea on how your company and product is being utilized now in the smart factory. 

In today’s “smart manufacturing” environment, robotic material removal applications are increasing in popularity. ATI’s Compliant Deburring Blade (CDB) is a practical and versatile solution to a variety of material removal needs. It is ideal for light and medium deburring, chamfering, and scraping applications on plastic, brass, steel, aluminum, and other materials. The CDB directly replaces many handheld deburring tools and methods. It utilizes a variety of “off-the-shelf” blades and media, which combined with the precision of a robot, creates consistent results.  Automating material removal tasks improves the quality and throughput of processes and creates a safer work environment. In most cases, these upgrades do not reduce overall headcount.

Give us your thoughts on what the future holds for manufacturers and automation technology.

There is a definite labor shortage in the manufacturing sector that creates a need for solutions that enable users to do more with less. Utilizing resources like robots and automated technology generates a work environment that is not only safer but also more productive. 
The content & opinions in this article are the author’s and do not necessarily represent the views of RoboticsTomorrow

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