Harmonic Drive is well-known for our zero-backlash strain wave gear products. Many machine designers and builders don’t realize that we also manufacture Planetary gears. Booth #LS6068

PACK EXPO 2019 - Harmonic Drive

PACK EXPO Q&A with | Harmonic Drive LLC

Tell us about your company.

Harmonic Drive LLC designs and manufactures high precision servo actuators, gearheads and gear component sets.  We work with industry-leading customers of all sizes to provide both standard product and, in most cases, custom-engineered solutions. For over 50 years, Harmonic Drive has been your partner for precision motion control. Today, high precision Harmonic Drive® strain wave gears continue to be manufactured by Harmonic Drive LLC, Harmonic Drive AG and Harmonic Drive Systems, Inc.


What makes your booth a must visit for PACK Expo Attendees?

Harmonic Drive is well-known for our zero-backlash strain wave gear products. Many machine designers and builders don’t realize that we also manufacture Planetary gears. We have several lines of Harmonic Planetary® gearheads, and many feature dimensions that are drop-in replacement for industry standard applications. Planetary gears from Harmonic Drive are available with quick leadtimes.

Harmonic Drive is also highlighting several new products and will have a live demo of our new HPG with Rack & Pinion. 


When you get a chance to walk the exhibit hall floor yourself, what is it you will be most interested to see? 

Any educational sessions, pavilions etc. you plan on attending? We are interested to see the new trends in automation. We are especially interested in the Robotics Zone presentations and some of the Innovation Stage presentations.

The content & opinions in this article are the author’s and do not necessarily represent the views of RoboticsTomorrow
Harmonic Drive LLC

Harmonic Drive LLC

Harmonic Drive LLC (HDLLC) designs and manufactures precision servo actuators, gearheads and gear components. Harmonic Drive® gears play critical roles in robotics, medical diagnostics and surgical robotics. We work with industry-leading customers and companies of all sizes to provide both standard product and custom-engineered solutions. The majority of the products sold by HDLLC are proudly made at our US headquarters and manufacturing facility in Massachusetts.

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Talking PACK EXPO with Harmonic Drive
Come see how our IP65 FHA Rotary Actuator withstands water being sprayed at it during the entire show! We will also have a variety of product configurations and sizes that visitors can see up close.
More about Harmonic Drive LLC

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