How Robotics is Transforming Manufacturing

When you sell a robot, the amount of additional required pneumatic components, sensing products, vision inspection systems and machine safety products can cost as much or more than the robot itself. Every robot sold has an exponential economic ripple effect.

ABB is leaving the repair shop after transitional year - CEO

John Revill, Oliver Hirt for Reuters: "The last couple of years ABB was in the repair shop and now we are coming out. With political stability and digitalisation we have positive conditions and a better platform to participate in the upturn,"

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Pleora Technologies – Digitize Manual Manufacturing

Pleora Technologies - Digitize Manual Manufacturing

Vaira™ helps manufacturers digitize, automate, and upgrade error-prone manual processes and decisions to boost productivity and increase profits by helping humans make decisions consistent, reliable, and traceable. The camera-based solution is powered by a scalable suite of shop floor-ready apps built on proven machine vision and AI expertise for frontline manufacturing operations, with two-way integration to resource planning tools to help drive continuous analysis, insight, and improvements. Start digitizing immediately, streamlining processes customized to your unique requirements and reduce errors that lead to costs, delays, and quality concerns.