A nose is a nose, or is it?

An electronic nose has a gas-sensor array sampling system and a signal processor coupled to a recognition system, where the sampling system moves vapor laden air into the sensor array. It could even work similar to a passive smoke detector.

Quality Control and Error Prevention in Food Packaging

Having a wrong label on a can of food, or a wrong lid on a cup of margarine, could have serious consequences to the manufacturer and the retailer, as well as the consumer. An automatic identification solution using 1D and 2D barcodes is a reliable way to improve quality control in the food packaging process, ensure safety and to avoid human errors.

Galil DMC-4080 Helps Guide Remote Controlled Vehicle Used in Hyper-Realistic Military Training

STOPS engineers found the native Galil programming language easy-to-use, which helped enable them to incorporate several safety routines into the operating system. For example, whenever the controller does not receive a data stream, it goes into a fail-safe routine that brings the vehicle to a stop.

Two Different Approaches to Spawn Robotics - One Common Thread

Sometimes a company is founded because it stumbles upon a niche that it can fill better than any other company. Such a company is RE2 (Robotics Engineering Excellence). Founded by Jorgen Pedersen as a contract engineering house to fill a need for unmanned systems engineering expertise within Carnegie Mellons National Robotics Engineering Center (NREC), RE2 now provides mobile manipulation systems for defense and safety.

Future Concepts and the ExoHand

Festos ExoHand is an exoskeleton that can be worn like a glove, combining smart features invented by the engineers with the smart and flexible solutions from nature. The fingers can be actively moved and their strength amplified; the operators hand movements are registered and transmitted to the robotic hand in real time.

Our Ongoing OpenCV Resource

Here are several educational resources to help you learn about OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library)

Autonomous Mobile Robots

ADAM AMRs mimic human behavior. In a textbook example of lean manufacturing, ADAM is designed to predictably and instantaneously react to the electronic request of the machines for service, delivering what the production cell wants in the exact time and quantity it wants, connecting islands of automation for optimal efficiency.

Robotic Integration For Assisted Movement

Powered exoskeletons have the potential to change battlefield technology forever. Paraplegic patients may leverage new technologies to walk again. Future exoskeletons will better integrate with humans, blurring the line between man and machine.

Industrial Robots with Image Processing in the Photovoltaic Industry

A 'seeing' robot can flexibly pick up, recognize and measure wafers, solar cells and even whole modules and then place the gripped objects with great precision and speed.

Challenges In Moving Goods

We might never see warehouses that employ robots exclusively, but the ratio of robots to humans will continue to grow, as more jobs are automated. Robots are safer and they dont call in on Monday with a hangover.

Silvus Demonstrates Robot Repeater Capability on TALON & FasTac

Silvus Technologies demonstrated its MIMO radio repeater capability integrated into QinetiQs TALON and iRobots FasTac robots at the Army Expeditionary Warfighters Experiment (AEWE) Spiral G. TARDECs Ground Vehicle Robotics group requested Silvus to integrate its SC3500 MIMO radio into both robotic platforms as part of TARDECs ISR Mission Concepts platform.

QinetiQ Explosive Ordnance Disposal Robots

QinetiQ is primarily focused on the defense and security markets today; however, we are seeing growing interest in robotics for the agricultural and mining industries where robotics can provide more efficient operations in harsh environments.

Adept Robotics for the Solar Industry

Todays ultra-thin solar cells require precise and gentle handling. And with the increasing demand on solar manufacturers for product, automation must deliver the highest throughput possible.

Silvus SC3500 MIMO Radio Delivers 16 Mbps Bidirectional Link to Bomb Squad Taurus Robot

Advanced wireless capabilities have not been available to bomb squads, who have had to rely on a tethered approach, until now. With Silvus cutting edge MIMO radios, EOD UGV operators can now wirelessly examine suspicious objects with 3D HD video and haptic feedback precision from safe NLOS distances of a few hundred meters.

Automated Pallet Tracking in Food & Beverage Logistics

Without proper pallet tracking, manufacturers run the risk of costly product recalls, as well as negative impact on brand image. Often entire batches of affected product must be recalled due to insufficient pallet identification, even when errors exist for only a portion of a given shipment.

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High Performance Servo Drives for localized and distributed control applications from Servo2Go.com

High Performance Servo Drives for localized and distributed control applications from Servo2Go.com

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