NextGen Photoelectric Sensors with IO-Link for the Food Industry

Cost and time savings due to flexibility characterize the stainless steel models of the O500 photoelectric sensor.

BitFlow to Demonstrate CoaXPress Capabilities at International Technical Expo in Japan

At the booth, BitFlow will show a number of different CoaXPress cameras running with the Cyton-CXP frame grabber.

ESCON Module 24/2 Servo Motor Controller

A miniature controller with maximum functionality.


Will help company meet new SAE J2432-2012 specifications on vehicle belt noise


Handles all driveline testing requirements for active and passive components

Kissing It Better: Lifting Ergonomically with Vacuum

By using the right suction and the right lips for the job, you really can "kiss it better" before lifting, rather than after.


Robotiq releases a new version of its 2-Finger 85 Adaptive Gripper. Nearly two times stronger and 50% faster this new Gripper has been perfectly designed to match Universal Robots in terms of payload, flexibility and user-friendliness.

OpenCV Vision Challenge

From the OpenCV Foundation: OpenCV Foundation with support from DARPA and Intel Corporation are launching a community-wide challenge to update and extend the OpenCV library with state-of-art algorithms. An award pool of $50,000 is provided to reward submitters of the best performing algorithms in the following 11 CV application areas: (1) image segmentation, (2) image registration, (3) human pose estimation, (4) SLAM, (5) multi-view stereo matching, (6) object recognition, (7) face recognition, (8) gesture recognition, (9) action recognition, (10) text recognition, (11) tracking. Conditions: The OpenCV Vision Challenge Committee will judge up to five best entries. You may submit a new algorithm developed by yourself or your implementation of an existing algorithm even if you are not the author of the algorithm.  You may enter any number of categories.  If your entry wins the contest you will be awarded $1K. To win an additional $7.5 to $9K, you must contribute the source code as an OpenCV pull request under a BSD license.  You acknowledge that your contributed code may be included, with your copyright, in OpenCV. You may explicitly enter code for any work you have submitted to CVPR 2015 or its workshops. We will not unveil it until after CVPR. Timeline: Submission Period: Now – May 8th 2015  Winners Announcement: June 8th 2015 at CVPR 2015 (full details)

The POSITAL Advantage - Over 130,000 Varieties of Sensors!

Until now, users of position and motion sensors have had to choose between low-cost standardized products and more expensive custom-built items. For cost-sensitive applications, sensor builders have adopted mass production techniques, building large runs of identical products. The rotation sensors used in automotive ABS and stability control systems are good examples of high-volume, mass produced items. For more demanding customers - such as machine builders creating complex industrial automation and motion control systems - sensor manufacturers have often relied on a more craft-based approach, with expert machinists building custom-designed products in in small batch quantities. These specialized items are more expensive than their mass-produced counterparts and usually take far longer to be delivered. However, for the specialist machine builder, getting instruments that meet their exact requirements can often be more cost-effective than adapting a not-quite-right unit. POSITAL has broken down the "inexpensive but inflexible" vs. "customized but costly" divide by developing a new mass-customized approach to sensor design and fabrication.

More versions, more power - New DCX motors and GPX gearboxes from maxon

Now even stronger, more efficient and with yet more combination options: There are new additions to the maxon family of X drive products. Several long versions of brushed DC motors, with higher torques and more power, are being added to the product range, together with matching planetary gearheads. Each of the 3-stage versions can now be combined with the next smaller motor. This saves space, weight and costs.

New Parker Electric Thrust Tubular (ETT) Linear Motor Increases Performance

Rod-style actuator comes in cost-effective, energy-efficient, low-maintenance package

Altera to Exhibit Comprehensive Solution Portfolio for Accelerating Intelligent Automation at SPS IPC Drives 2014

Demos Include Secure Cloud-Enabled PLC for IoT and Industry 4.0, Precision Robotics, Motor Control and IEC 61508 Functional Safety

KUKA Robotics Corporation debuts the KORE of STEM Education at ACTE's CareerTech VISION 2014

KUKA Robotics to debut KORE; KUKA Official Robotics Education program in booth #808 November 20th- 21st, 2014

Robotic Assembly

Manual assembly procedures, which previously have been neither ergonomic nor appropriate for automation, can currently be automated in a cost-effective way.

Mitsubishi Electric Automation announces Secomea as newest member of its e-F@ctory Alliance Program

Secomea provides remote access solutions for the automation and machine industry.

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Factory Automation - Featured Product

Discover how human-robot collaboration can take flexibility to new heights!

Discover how human-robot collaboration can take flexibility to new heights!

Humans and robots can now share tasks - and this new partnership is on the verge of revolutionizing the production line. Today's drivers like data-driven services, decreasing product lifetimes and the need for product differentiation are putting flexibility paramount, and no technology is better suited to meet these needs than the Omron TM Series Collaborative Robot. With force feedback, collision detection technology and an intuitive, hand-guided teaching mechanism, the TM Series cobot is designed to work in immediate proximity to a human worker and is easier than ever to train on new tasks.