Salamandra Robotica 2

Salamandra robotica II walking and swimming outdoors and performing the transition from swimming to walking indoors.

Bebionic3 Myoelectric Hand In Action

The new bebionic3 myoelectric hand, which is made from aluminium and alloy knuckles, moves like a real human limb by responding to Nigel's muscle twitches. Incredibly, the robotic arm is so sensitive it means the father-of-one can touch type on a computer keyboard, peel vegetables, and even dress himself for the first time in six years.

Low Cost Hobbyists FPGA Kickstarter

If you have been thinking of dipping your toe into the world of FPGAs (field-programmable gate arrays) but always thought they were too expensive for hobbyist then you might want to check out the 'Mojo FPGA' on Kickstarter . The Mojo is designed to make digital design easy and cost effective for anyone who is just getting started. FPGAs do not retain their configuration when the power is lost, so they must be reconfigured every time the board is turned on. Typically, a PROM is used to load the configuration file (also known as bit file) into the FPGA automatically. The problem with that is you generally need a fairly expensive programmer to program the PROMs. The Mojo features a basic serial port (similar to an Arduino) that can be used to program a new bit file into on-board flash memory. When the board is powered on, a microcontroller reads the flash memory and configures the FPGA automatically. All that is required is a low-cost USB to serial converter. The original Kickstarter goal was 7,000 but they blew through that goal and are currently at 70,000. If you pledge $65 dollars you get a fully assembled board.

Case Study: Robot for tool production company with 10 employees

The acquisition cost for the entire system including imaging will have paid itself off in only 10 months with single shifts. If the robot is used for 2 shifts, it will actually have paid itself off in only seven months.

Robotics In Law Enforcement

Soon, the police wont have to draw their guns. They will be able to just push buttons and move joysticks to capture the bad guys.

Case Study: Kawasaki Robotics Upgrade Project Proves Successful

The Kawasaki Robotics project on the existing robotics paint system consisted of upgrading two Kawasaki robots and replacing four Kobelco robots with new Kawasaki robots.

The Kinetic Sculptures Of Bjorn Schulke

The Pratt Institutes' Manhattan Gallery is currently running an art exhibit entitled " KINESTHETICS: ART IMITATING LIFE ". The show runs till the end of April and features cool drones created by artists is Bjorn Schulke. His personal website also has some really cool works from previous exhibits.

BigDog Throwing In Slow Motion

New video of Boston Dynamics' BigDog, equipped with a 5th limb, demonstrating how fair it can throw a 35 lbs cinder block. Youtube vidoes of BigDog are always interesting if for no other reason than for the comments provided by "the teens":

Top Gear: New Range Rover Vs Unmanned TerraMax

Last weeks episode of Top Gear had James May, in a Range Rover, battle the military cargo UGV "TerraMax" through various terrain at a Nevada test course. If you live in Britain you can watch the entire race here  and if you live anywhere else you can watch this youtube clip and imagine an old British guy in a fancy car racing beside it.

Foxconn Stops Recruitment, Moves To Robots: Report

Foxconn, the manufacturer of Apple (AAPL) iPhones and Amazon (AMZN) Kindles in China, has stopped hiring workers at its key Zhengzhou and Shenzhen plants in what may be a shift toward robotic production, a Chinese news report said Wednesday. CBN Daily, in a story picked up by other Chinese media, quoted insiders as saying that the recruitment freeze is being done to adjust the production line and prepare for "artificial intelligence production." Taiwan-owned Foxconn's Henan Employment Center in central China is said to have a notice saying that due to production line adjustments, recruitment has been changed. The Zhengzhou plant, which is located in Henan province, also is said to have halted hiring since December and no large-scale recruitment is expected until June. The Shenzhen plant is situated north of Hong Kong in southern China. A worker at the Henan Employment Center reportedly said the recruitment suspension might have something to do "with the diminished output of iPhone 5." Reports since late last year have said that Foxconn has been gradually installing robots on its production lines in Zhengzhou and Shenzhen to improve production of Apple and other devices. Foxconn also has announced plans to install 10,000 robots on its factory lines that could replace up to 1 million workers over several years.

Russian Ostrich!

Inventables: The Hardware Store For Designers

Inventables has all kinds of interesting raw materials available for purchase in small quantities.  Materials include: Aluminum Foam Conductive Velcro Conductive Paint Temperature-Sensitive Glass etc.

Y Combinator Hardware Hackathon

From Upverter: Y Combinator has seen a huge increase in the number of hardware startups they fund. And so in an effort to encourage the renaissance and throw some gas on the fire, we are hosting a hardware hackathon. The focus is on getting like-minded hardware hackers into the same space, sharing ideas, designing hardware and ultimately creating more hardware startups. Want a taste of what goes on in a hardware hackathon? Read about Upverter's first ever hackathon in August 2012:  Day 1 , Day 2  and  the wrap up . We also held a  hardware hackathon at the Open Compute Summit  just this past month. If you’re hardware savvy and interested in starting a hardware startup, you should apply to come and hack with us! Want to start a startup?  Get funded by Y Combinator. Whe​n February 23rd, 2013, 10AM - 10PM Wher​e Y Combinator 320 Pioneer Way Mountain View, CA 94041 map You can apply here .

ABB and andyRobot Develop Standard RoboScreen Packs

Function packages feature five robot and screen size combinations, dedicated software and concert style mixing board for simplified control

Robot Launchpad

Persistence is at the heart of every successful robotics startup, and a lot of pivoting. So the faster you can move from prototyping into customer development, market research and investor meetings, the more likely you are to find a good product/market fit.

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Industrial Robotics - Featured Product

Helios™2 Ray Time-of-Flight Camera Designed for Unmatched Performance in Outdoor Lighting Conditions

Helios™2 Ray Time-of-Flight Camera Designed for Unmatched Performance in Outdoor Lighting Conditions

The Helios2 Ray camera is powered by Sony's DepthSense IMX556PLR ToF image sensor and is specifically engineered for exceptional performance in challenging outdoor lighting environments. Equipped with 940nm VCSEL laser diodes, the Helios2 Ray generates real-time 3D point clouds, even in direct sunlight, making it suitable for a wide range of outdoor applications. The Helios2 Ray offers the same IP67 and Factory Tough™ design as the standard Helios2 camera featuring a 640 x 480 depth resolution at distances of up to 8.3 meters and a frame rate of 30 fps.